Quench Gallery Safeguarding Policy

Summer School and Workshops for Young People

Last updated April 2023


Quench is committed to safeguarding the welfare of children and young people, and to promoting their rights and wellbeing. This policy sets out the procedures we have in place to make sure that children are safe and protected from harm when they attend our workshops. The policy is designed to comply with the recommendations of the Children Act 1989, the Protection of Children Act 1999, and the Children Act 2004.

Roles and Responsibilities

The overall responsibility for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people attending our workshops rests with the gallery management. The gallery will ensure that all adults involved in the delivery of our workshops have undergone appropriate checks and have received the necessary training.

Staff Recruitment and Selection

All adults involved in the delivery of our workshops will be required to provide relevant documentation to demonstrate their suitability to work with children. These include a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check, references and qualifications appropriate to their role.

Health and Safety

Quench management is responsible for ensuring that the workshop environment is safe and secure for children and young people. We will carry out regular risk assessments to identify any hazards and make necessary adjustments to minimise any risks involved. Emergency procedures and first aid provisions will also be in place.

Child Protection

Quench management will ensure that all members of staff are aware of what to do if they suspect that a child may be at risk of harm or abuse. Any concerns will be reported immediately to the designated safeguarding officer who will take appropriate action. We will follow best practice and KCC safeguarding procedures. 

At least one adult on site during workshops that has First Aid, Mental Health First Aid and Safeguarding training. All new staff specifically hired for the workshop will be offered this training.


All children attending our workshops will be supervised by responsible adults at all times. We will ensure that the staff to child ratio is appropriate to the age and developmental needs of the children attending.

Communication and Information Sharing

We take communication and information sharing very seriously. We will ensure that parents are aware of our safeguarding policy and that they have the opportunity to discuss any concerns they may have with the designated safeguarding officer.

This policy will be reviewed regularly and updated when necessary to ensure it remains relevant and effective.


1. Introduction

2. Scope

3. DataCollectionandProcessing

At Quench Gallery, we are committed to protecting the privacy and personal data of our visitors, customers, and employees. This Data Protection Policy outlines our practices regarding the collection, use, storage, and disclosure of personal data. We aim to comply with all applicable data protection laws and regulations, including but not limited to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

This policy applies to all personal data collected and processed by Quench Gallery, whether in electronic, paper, or any other format. It applies to all employees, contractors, volunteers, and third parties who handle personal data on our behalf.

3.1. Consent

We will obtain the consent of individuals before collecting or processing their personal data. Consent will be sought in a clear and transparent manner, and individuals will have the right to withdraw their consent at any time.

3.2. Data Minimization

We will collect and process only the personal data necessary to fulfill specific purposes. We will not collect or retain more personal data than what is required for the intended purpose.

3.3. Data Accuracy

We will take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal data we collect is accurate, complete, and up-to-date. Individuals have the right to request correction of any inaccuracies in their personal data.

3.4. Purpose Limitation

Personal data will only be collected for specified and legitimate purposes. We will not use personal data for any purpose that is incompatible with the original purpose of collection, unless we obtain explicit consent from the individual.

3.5. Data Retention

We will retain personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, or as required by applicable laws and regulations. When personal data is no longer needed, we will securely dispose of it.

4. DataSecurity

4.1. Confidentiality and Integrity

We will implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. We will ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of personal data at all times.

4.2. Access Controls

Access to personal data will be restricted to authorized individuals who have a legitimate need to access it. Access controls, such as unique user accounts and strong passwords, will be implemented to safeguard personal data.

4.3. Data Breach Response

In the event of a data breach that poses a risk to individuals' rights and freedoms, we will promptly assess the breach, take necessary actions to mitigate its impact, and notify the relevant supervisory authorities and affected individuals, as required by applicable laws.

5. DataSubjectRights

We acknowledge and respect the rights of individuals regarding their personal data. We will facilitate the exercise of these rights, which include but are not limited to the right to access, rectify, erase, restrict processing, and object to the processing of their personal data.

6. DataTransfers

7. Third-PartyProcessors

8. StaffTrainingandAwareness

9. PolicyReview

10. Contact Information

If personal data is transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA), we will ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place to protect the data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

If we engage third-party processors to handle personal data on our behalf, we will ensure that they provide sufficient guarantees regarding data protection and comply with applicable laws and regulations.

We will provide regular training and awareness programs to our employees, contractors, and volunteers regarding their responsibilities under this Data Protection Policy. They will be educated about the importance of data protection and their role in ensuring compliance.

This Data Protection Policy will be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness. Any updates will be communicated to relevant stakeholders.
