The Earthbound - Sam Keelan

18/06/22 - 30/07/22

The Earthbound

Rolling in from the shimmering mirage of some rural English landscape — encrusted in a layer of crumbs from all the regional cakes — comes The Earthbound, a photographic exhibition by Sam Keelan, tailored for those amongst us who are troubled by the disquieting breakdown of their relationship to place. Let this new series of high spec tableau images re-root you through its use of romanticised depictions of ye olde rituals — or more accurately with a forgery of a forgery of a recollection of those rituals — by which you will learn useful self-practices to re-impose meaning onto the houses, neighbourhoods, and patches of greenery you encountered during your daily life. A show that feels texturally just like being inside one of Thomas Hardy’s descriptions of the countryside—if he’d been describing a village in 2007 somewhere off the M62 instead, and all his main characters were gay men. 

Supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England. 

Sam Keelan 

DOB - 1992 Huddersfield, West Yorkshire 


BA Wimbledon sculpture 

Postgrad Royal Academy of Art   


Tomato Potato - Clara Hastrup


SLUDGE - Lulua Alyahya